Moments Before

Sencha & Bourbon
Introduction to an ethical textile project created by Paola R. Fleming in 2012 in San Francisco, this video was created by Hilary Galbreith, Carlotta Sarraco & Paola R. Fleming

Cocoon Collection Shooting
Sencha & Bourbon
Aubervilliers, November 2016
Models: Shade Affogbolo, Nacera Zaidi, Caroline Torlois.
Artwork: Christian Maugein.
Special thanks to Julie Debarnot from Jaad Lingerie

Whimsical Sabrina
Silly Boy Studio
Paris, September 2015
Model: Bella Millett, Make-Up: Beatrix Kiddo, Assistants: Flavy Di et Jeanne Lespinasse. Thanks to Thomas Brouxel

Jaad Lingerie x Silly Boy
Collaboration between Silly Boy Studio & Jaad Lingerie
Paris, Septembre 2015
Model: Jeanne Lespinasse, MUA: Beatrix Kiddo
Thanks to Thomas Brouxel

Nash Prints A:W2015
Fashion brand collection preview

Les ateliers de La Manufacture Onirique
Invitations aux ateliers de création

Hotel Collection
Sencha & Bourbon
Paris, November 2015
Model: Annick Duteil, Assistants: Nina Woolfe & Falvy Di

The Sugar Cane
Silly Boy Studio - Sugar Cane Collection
Paris 9th, September 2015
Models: Jeanne Lespinasse, Enfant Précoce. MUA: Beatrix Kiddo
Thanks to Marcel & Clementine

Hotel Collection S&B
Shooting Hotel Collection of Sencha & Bourbon - Model: Annick Duteil - Assistants: Nina Woolfe & Flavy Di

Various times and places
A variety of picks from some years and essences